Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Framing your wedding dress?

When something costs $4000 you would think that would be a very prized possession, and the wedding dress is... for a day? Most of us enjoy that dress fully on our wedding days, but afterwards most of  our dresses end up boxed up, hidden in the back of our closets to never see light again!

So what does a girl do, trash the dress photography sessions are amazing, but for many thousands of dollars I spent on a beautiful work of art am I really going to destroy it, just like that?!?!? NO WAY.. well maybe... but for this purpose and for the ladies out there who would never think of doing this I have a great idea for you.
Frame that beauty! Yes, you can actually have your dress framed and hung in your living room.

Like Adrienne Maloof from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills did, check it out:

Would you consider doing this? I honestly think I would, maybe along my massive spiral staircase in my MASSIVE mansion's foyer.... that I will be building...someday heheh =D
